Field Work - International MA Program in Sustainable Development

This project is a novel joint venture, aiming to create a first of its kind public-private-philanthropic-academic partnership to drive positive environmental, economical and social impact among smallholder farmers in developing countries through the use of Israeli innovation.

Amrita WA Project
Through a partnership of Amrita University and Tel Aviv University, an adaptable household-level water monitoring protocol was developed, dubbed the ‘AmriTAU Protocol’, administered by trained and compensated local women, “Water Ambassadors'' (WAs).

Interns Project
This project, which took place in Israel, aimed to evaluate the impacts of the agricultural internship program in Israel on its graduates in terms of occupation, farming practices and perceptions.

Malawi Monitoring
The lack of ability to monitor the spread of major pests in real time at large scales is a crucial obstacle to addressing devastating outbreaks in low income countries and guiding farmers on treatment and prevention.

Malawi Nethouses
Nethouses and greenhouses are widely used in high income horticulture to protect crops from weather related and pest related stress.

Punjab Projects
There are two projects in Punjab. The first, in water reduction for rice cultivation. The second, focused on wastewater.

The Ramthal irrigation project represents an ambitious rethinking of surface irrigation projects.

Solar Home Systems provide off-grid households with small, but low cost electricity enough for simple lighting, mobile phone charging, and small appliances.

Tanzania ESD Water
Every school in the world is both an educational institution and an economic unit that requires a supply of basic services for its students and operation.

Water Ambassadors
Access to safe drinking water remains a global challenge affecting 1 in 4 people worldwide. To address this, the partnership between TAU and IITM University, trains urban students across Chennai to monitor drinking water quality in their communities.