Post-Doc Fellowship

Post-Doc Fellowship​​​

The Jonathan Shapiro Fund

Call for Applications

Post-Doctoral Fellowships


The Jonathan Shapiro Fund hereby invites applications for the 2024-2025 post-doctoral fellowship at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University.


Eligibility is limited to applicants who hold a PhD degree from a university other than Tel Aviv University and who have been awarded their degrees within the last three years.

Candidates whose dissertation are currently under review are also eligible. 


Fellowship recipients are required to maintain residence in the department throughout the fellowship year. 


Fellowship amount: approximately 75,000 ILS.


The Fund gives priority to applications in the research areas of the late Professor Jonathan Shapira, which include political sociology, democracy, civil equality, racism and Israeli society. Nevertheless, the Fund encourages applications from candidates in other research fields as well.


The Jonathan Shapira Fund encourages applications from women, minority groups and other socially excluded populations.


The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2024.


To submit an application, please submit the following documents to :


  • Research Project Proposal (5-6 double spaced pages)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of the doctoral dissertation or chapters from it
  • A confirmation that the candidate is entitled to a Ph.D degree and the date it was awarded, or an administrative confirmation that the doctoral thesis was sent to the referees
  • Only three letters of recommendation – one of which should be from the dissertation supervisor and at least one letter from an institution other than the one in which the candidate studied toward the doctoral degree - to be sent by the recommenders directly to


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