PhD Program
The PhD program is based primarily on independent research and guidance. The doctoral program is composed of an initial stage in which a detailed research proposal is written and approved by the Research Student Committee. Following its approval, students move on to the second stage in which the research is conducted, written, and submitted for approval by the University Senate.
For more details:
Stage I research students
A. Eight to nine credit hours of the following courses must be completed, with a minimum grade of 85 for each course.
- Central Methodological Dilemmas in Social Sciences
- Sociology and Critical Theories in the 20th Century
- PhD Workshop. Participation is required from the date of admission as a research student until the research proposal has been approved by university authorities.
- An additional 2-3 credit course related to the field of research. The PhD committee must approve this course.
B. The advising procedure: Research students will comply with the "regulations of the accompanying committee." An accompanying committee will be appointed for every student, comprised of the advisor/s, and two additional members. One of the members of the accompanying committee must be from outside the department. Additional details in Hebrew can be found here.
C. Qualification exam: The general goal of the qualification exam is to examine the student's knowledge in a defined field in which the student plans to specialize. Students will define, with two teachers from the department, the field of expertise and the reading list, composed of the key literature in the field (the scope will be comparable to the reading list for an annual course).The student will receive a take home exam to be completed within 48 hours. The exam will be checked by two teachers from the department. The exam is a pass / fail exam, and the student must pass. The student will select the teachers, and will be approved by the research student committee. Complete details in Hebrew can be found in the regulations for the qualification exam.
D. Students must present their research proposal in the PhD workshop in the presence of his or her advisor/s.
E. Students have three semesters to complete the requirements for stage I. By the end of the third semester, students should have completed the required number of credit hours, find a faculty member who agrees to act as advisor, to finish composing the accompanying committee as per the recommendation of the advisor, to prepare the research proposal that will serve as the basis for the PhD thesis, to pass the qualification exam, and to present the proposal in the PhD workshop.
Stage II research students
Students will qualify for Stage II status once their research proposal has been approved and they have passed the qualification exam, contingent on approval of the university committee.
Requirements of Stage II student
A. A workshop in Assessing Scientific Articles: Theory and Practice. Every student will be required to submit at least one comprehensive review of an article during the first year of stage II studies, in the form of an academic evaluation in the journal Israeli Sociology. The review will comply with the criteria and standards of academic evaluation.
The workshop for writing academic reviews will teach stage II research students the craft of writing such reviews. Students who have submitted such reviews in the past will be required to submit at least one review to the Israeli Sociology journal.
B. The student will submit an intermediate report to the accompanying committee, detailing his or her headway on the thesis, and problems that have arisen during research. This report will be submitted no later than two years after the proposal was approved. The accompanying committee will approve the report, which will then be forwarded to the division committee through the department student office. This intermediate report is not related to the progress report which students must once a year submit to the student office, approved by the advisor. These reports will be forwarded to the faculty committee.
The PhD thesis will be submitted in Hebrew, and will include a 2000-word abstract in English. Students wishing to submit their thesis in English must receive approval from the faculty committee. In this case the thesis will include a 2000-word abstract in Hebrew. Hebrew guidelines for submitting the doctoral thesis can be found in the link.
At all stages of studies, research students must participate in department seminars and research workshops, as well as other academic activities in the department.
A. Students must 1) submit the research proposal, approved by the members of the accompanying committee, to the department research student committee, 2) complete all required courses, 3) the qualification exam, and 4) present the research proposal before the doctoral workshop in the presence of the advisor/s within three semesters of being accepted as a stage I research student.
b. Students must submit the PhD thesis within five years of being accepted to stage I. Any extension beyond this date must be approved. A PhD thesis may not be submitted less than one year after the research proposal has been approved, unless the division committee has recommended otherwise, and the university committee has authorized this recommendation.
The qualification exam for research students is based on the bibliography of core courses, composed by the student. Two examiners from the department will conduct the exam. The exam will be held on three dates: The last Monday in February, the last Monday in June, and the last Monday in October. Students must pass the qualification exam in order to qualify as stage II research students.
These are the guidelines for preparing the qualification exam.
1. The student must compose a bibliography equal in scope to that of a core course. The bibliography will cover the field of knowledge of sociology, and will include core literature in the field, as well as in the student's field of interest (for example, urban sociology with an emphasis on emigration and gender, or the sociology of stratification, with an emphasis on transgenerational capital transfer, or the sociology of organizations from a historical perspective, etc.). The bibliography will include about 50 entries, and will follow form as accepted for the social sciences (for example as appears in the journal Israeli Sociology).
2. There should not be more than a 5% overlap between the bibliography for the exam and the bibliography for the research proposal.
3. The student will seek out and receive the approval of two faculty members from the department from the specific academic field of the bibliography to act as examiners for the qualification exam. Should the student face difficulty in finding examiners, the student must let the research student committee know, and assistance will be offered.
4. The student will correct the bibliography as per comments by the examiners. The examiners will approve the bibliography, ensuring the proper scope and balance between the between the core topics and the specific sub-field. At least four weeks before the exam, the student, via the student office, will forward the names of the examiners along with the approved bibliography to the department research student comment for approval.
The research student committee generally does not interfere with the contents of the bibliography that has been approved by two faculty members.
5. Once the bibliography has been approved by the research student committee, the student office will forward a copy of the exam to the research student committee. The department secretary will forward a copy of the exam to the student.
6. The exam will be given to the student on the date of the exam. And he or she will return it to the examiners within no more than 48 hours, with a copy for the student office. The questionnaire will include three essay questions, and the student must answer two. Each answer should not be more than five pages long, with 1.5 line spacing. The essays must comply with the criteria of academic writing, as per the accepted conventions in key academic journals and ethical criteria of exam writing.
7. Within two weeks, the examiners will forward the student office an evaluation of the student's exam, and a grade of pass or fail.
8. This regulation applies to all students who began their PhD studies as of the 2012 academic year.
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology offers PhD students with an outstanding academic record a unique opportunity to participate in an international PhD program: Changes / Transformations in European Societies and Beyond.
This international PhD program is a joint project between several Anthropology and Ethnology Departments in European universities and Tel Aviv. The goal of the program is to open and promote professional channels among researchers and PhD students. Every year two meetings are held at one of the universities participating in the program. During these meetings student present the process of their PhD research, participate in professional workshops and engage in academic dialog with other PhD students and researchers in their field. Participation in this program offers an extraordinary opportunity for professional development and the weaving of ties with research students and researchers from abroad. Participation in these meetings is funded by the program.
The universities participating in this program include: Basel University, Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Graz University, the University of Copenhagen, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Zagreb University and Tel Aviv University. Admission to the program is contingent on approval by a joint committee of the relevant universities.
Supervisor |
Name |
Prof. Alexandra Kalev |
Bishara Arees |
Prof. Alexandra Kalev |
Deutsch Gal |
| |
Dr. Anastasia Gorodzeisky |
Liberman Aviv |
Prof. Adriana Kemp |
Meissner Nora |
| |
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav |
Wattad Loaay | |
Prof. Adriana Kemp |
Yarday Efrat |
Supervisor/s |
Research topic |
Name |
Prof. Nissim Mizrachi |
Parental choice, social boundaries and shared life in integrative schools for secular and religious Jews in Israel |
Artzi Itai |
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav |
Sovereignty, Emergency and Military Law: The Adjudication of Civilians In Military Courts Under Israel's Military Regime 1948-1966 |
Ballas Irit |
Prof. Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni |
Building a Digital Home: Materiality and Technology of the Urban Ghanaian House |
Ben Elul Elad |
| |
Prof. Adriana Kemp |
Body in Transition: Leisure Sports, Gender and 'Place' Among Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel | Ben Dori Suzan |
Prof. Nissim Mizrachi |
Collective Blood: The Social Construction of Terror Victimhood in Israel |
Bornstein Ben |
Prof. Hadas mandel and Prof. Haya Steir |
Ultra Orthodox Women in the Workforce - Tracking Changes in Community During the Last 30 Years |
Chassida Judy |
Prof. Yossi Shavit |
Together or Separately: The Effect of Studying in Integrated or in Segregated Schools on Palestinian-Arab School Graduates in Israel. |
Dallashi Maisalon | |
Dr. Erica Weiss
Discourse and Practice of Home-Making: Home-Making as an act of Resistance among the Palestinians in Israel | Diab Umayma |
Prof. Yossi Shavit |
Implications for Mixing Arab and Jewish Students, in Schools, on the Social Relations Between the Groups |
Erlich Eyal | |
Prof. Nissim Mizrachi |
Social knowledge in the making - in the arena of Social Work |
Glass Ella |
Prof. Adriana Kemp |
Elites, Philanthropy and Issues of Difference: An Ethnography of Economic Elites in Israel |
Krauz Lahav Noa |
Prof. Yossi Shavit |
Jew and Arabs Between the Lines: Identities, Values and Lifestyles in School Contexts |
Levy Natalie |
Prof. Alexandra Kalev and Dr. Avihu Shoshana
Late Singlehood Among Palestinian Women and Men in Israel |
Mjdoob Towibah |
Prof. Nissim Mizrachi |
The Ultra-Orthodox Mizrahi Education and the Challenge of Living Together with Others: A Post-Liberal View on Religious Education in Action |
Sadeh Kineret |
Prof. Nissim Mizrachi and Prof. Noah Lewin-Epstein |
Contested Medical Knowledge: Physicians' Coping Strategies with E-Patients | Shachar Leeor | | | Prof. Hanna Herzog | State Feminism: The Case of the Advisors on Women's Status at Local Governments | Shefer Michal |
Prof. Noah Lewin-Epstein |
Ageing in Risk: The Economic Consequences of Life Course Transition among Elderly Households |
Sobel Ira |
| |
Prof. Hanna Herzog |
A Gender Journey in an Organizational Chaotic Era: The Case of Women Inclusion in the IDF in the 21th Century |
Tamir Roni |
Prof. Haim Hazan |
Demented Bodies: The Social Construction of Dying in the Mentally Impaired Elderly |
Vana Noa |
Prof. Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni |
Virtual Mood Board: The Influence of Digital Technologies on Inspiration Finding amongst Graphic Designers in Israel |
Wallenstein Maya |
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav |
To Retell History, When the Subaltern Speak: the case of the displaced 1948 Palestinians in Israel. |
Yazbak Heba |
Research topic |
Supervisor/s |
Name |
---|---|---|---| |
:Collective Management of Stigma The Development of a Collective Identity, Community Formation and Self Promotion of Beneficial Policy among High-Functioning Autistic Adults in Israel |
Prof. Giora Rahav |
Berman Ayelet |
Border Crossing and Changing Mobility Opportunities: Marriges Between Mainland Women and Hong Kong Men |
Prof. Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni |
Bina-Polak Avital |
Class Dismissed – Classroom Disciplinary Climate and its Association with Student Achievement |
Yossi Shavit prof. |
Carmel Blank |
The Multiple Faces of the “Sephardiut” in the turn of the 20th Century |
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav and Prof. Gil Eyal |
Evri Yuval |
| |
Jews-Russians by Halacha: Ethnicization, Inclusion and Exclusion of Immigrants of mixed origin |
Prof. Dan Rabinowitz |
Feldman-Zaika Yana |
Residential Segregation of Ethnic immigrants in Europe: It'SCauses and Consequences |
Prof. Moshe Semyonov |
Glikman Anya |
| |
The Ecology of Social Ostracism (Herem) in Israeli Schools. |
Prof. Yossi Shavit |
Hakim Eran | |
Civil Society Organizations and the Struggle for Hegemony in Citizenship Education in Israel |
Prof. Adriana Kemp and Prof. Amal Jamal |
Hassan Sharaf |
Constructing a Heterotopia of Migrants Space: ‘Weekend Flat’ and a Sense of Belonging Among Filipino Migrant Workers in Tel-Aviv, Israel |
Prof. Adriana Kemp and Prof. Ofra Goldstein -Gidoni |
Lim Ana |
| |
Siblings and Test Scores: Another Look at the Resource Dilution Hypothesis |
Prof. Yossi Shavit |
Yael Navon | | Homeownership, housing and consumer debt by income class, among young adults |
Prof. Noah Lewin-Epstein and Prof. Moshe Semyonov |
Raviv Or |
Kids are Joy? Parental Perceptions and their Effects on Parents’ Well-Being
Prof. Haya Steir |
Rosen Dana |
The Role of Education in Shaping Patterns of Marriage Among The Arab Women in Israel |
Prof. Haya Steir |
Sabah Karkaby Maha |
Colonization Practices and Interactions at the Frontier Ha-Shomer Ha-Tzair Kibbutzes and the Surrounding Arab Villages at the Margins of the Valley Of Jezreel/Marj Ibn ‘Amer, 1936-1956 |
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav |
Sabbagh Khoury Areej |
| | Emplacement: The Local Formation of Middle Class Identities in two Israeli Cities | Prof. Nissim Mizrachi | Shani Guy |
Red peppers and Acacia yellowing Man and nature in the tension between agriculture and environment in the Arava
Prof. Dan Rabinowitz |
Shani Liron |
Representations and Perceptions of Stalinism in Novosibirsk and Tomsk |
Prof. Haim Hazan |
Skulskiy Dmitriy |
Gender, Discourse and Sexuality in Organization Organizational attempt to change cultural perceptions: sexual harassment in the military as a case study
Prof. Hanna Herzog |
Topel Yael |
Whom to Trust? Politics of Contention and Statebuilding in Supervised Kosovo |
Prof. Dan Rabinowitz |
Vardari-Kesler Alma |
Memory, Silence and Meaning: An Ethnographic Study Of Holocaust Survivors |
Prof. Haim Hazan |
Yavelberg Yaron |