Post-Doc Fellowship


Dr. Netta Avnoon


Netta Avnoon is the Jonathan Shapiro postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University. Her current research focuses on the application of machine learning-based artificial intelligence in professional work, and specifically in medicine.

She received her doctoral degree from the department of Sociology, the University of Haifa.

Her research interests are the sociology of professions, artificial intelligence and its impact on society, and qualitative methods. Netta has taught courses in AI ethics, work in the digital age, and the sociology of professions at the Technion, Bar-Ilan University, Haifa University, and the Western Galilee College. She received different awards and grants, among them the Technion Social Hub Grant for the study of engineering ethics in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science, Excellence scholarship for doctoral students, University of Haifa, and The Puzis Award for academic achievements, Tel Aviv University. She published in Work, Employment and Society, Journal of Professions and Organization, and Israeli Sociology.

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