Admission for the MA

Admission for the MA​​

Entrance Qualifications


  1. Eligible candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in an accredited university with an average grade of at least 80. The program is geared primarily for candidates with a social science or behavioral science background, but is also open to candidates with degrees in other disciplines.

  2. Candidates are required to submit the following:

    1. Statement of Purpose (no longer than one page in length) including biographical, professional and academic information as well as the candidate’s areas of academic interest.

    2. Letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the department that granted the candidate’s BA degree. Candidates must use the “MA Studies Recommendation” form. The recommendation letter must be sent   by the recommender directly to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology in Tel Aviv University, as is explained on the form.

    3. A 22A form.

  3. Admitted students who did not complete their BA studies in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology may be required to take pre-requisite courses as per the determination of the Admissions Committee. Pre-requisite courses do not count toward the completion of the MA degree.

  4. Preference will be given to candidates that indicate Sociology and Anthropology as their first choice of studies.

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