Thesis Track Terms and Conditions for the Cyber Politics and Government MA Program


Thesis Track

The Master's Degree in Cyber Politics and Government within the school of Political Sciences, Government and International Affairs offers a thesis track for students of the program.

The requirements for the transition from the regular track to the thesis track the candidate must:

1.  Have a GPA of at least 90 of at least three courses at the end of the first semester.


2.  The student must find a thesis supervisor before entering the track, a supervisor could be chosen within the faculty of the school.


3. Admission to the research track will be conditional on the approval of the head of the program in accordance with the achievements of the student.


4. Students who choose to enter the thesis track must add a 4th semester to their studies.

The track will commence in October and last until May (Allows 8 months for completion.)

Students who are accepted to the thesis track must complete 5 mandatory courses (the 4 mandatory courses in the program, including the extra mandatory course "Research Methods") and 5 elective courses, overall 30 credits in total.

5. Personal Guidance for thesis writing- 

Personal guidance for students in the Cyber Politics and Government (CPG) program who are about to start their thesis. The course includes: a group meeting in the beginning of the semester and personal meetings according to need. The course is focused on how to find a research subject, how to define a research question, examples and discussions with graduates about their specific experience in writing a thesis. The personal part: Supporting each student to find a research subject, a research question and a supervisor. All meetings are through Zoom. Mandatory participation in the group meeting and in at least 2 personal meetings.


 *Research and Methodologies - In the second (spring) semester, thesis track students are required to enroll in the seminar that is offered only in the Spring semester.

Thesis track students are required to submit 2 seminar papers as opposed to 3 seminar papers as of the regular non-thesis track.


The completion of the final exam is not required for thesis track students.

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