

Ben Gilad

The challenges of the cyber era are complex and multifaceted, and addressing them requires the collaboration and efforts of individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide.

Digital divide, misinformation and fake news, online privacy, and cybersecurity are some of the critical challenges that need to be addressed.

I was mainly curious to learn about these challenges and how to identify areas in global organizations that could benefit from establishing processes for evaluating and implementing new ideas and technologies to overcome them.

Through a combination of theoretical and practical learning experiences, the Cyber, Politics, and Government program helped me to improve my knowledge, skills, and abilities. It offered a strong foundation of knowledge, practical experience, and good networking opportunities.

I am grateful to have been a part of the Cyber, Politics, and Government program, and I will always be proud to be a graduate of Tel-Aviv University.

Aron Harkham

The MA in Cyber Politics and Government at Tel Aviv University has allowed me to expand my knowledge in the evolving cyber arena and deepen my understanding of the issue’s governments are facing with the emergence of technologies in today’s global society.Being taught by cyber experts who have and are currently involved in the development of Israel’s cyber infrastructure, both on a governmental and military level, offers a unique insight into the components of Israel’s cyber ecosystem which provides a dynamic and relevant learning experience.Israel is a global leader in the cyber arena from a governmental, military and corporate perspective. By doing this program at Tel Aviv University it provides direct insight and a special opportunity to engage with these bodies. This is a unique and exciting program that provides many academic, corporate and public policy career opportunities.  

Ariel Grossman

To be honest, I heard about the CPG program by mistake and once I read about the courses, I thought this combination of politics and cyber really interests me. Other than that, it would have sounded interesting, It is a very practical degree; I know I can take it to the world of strategic consulting which is a great sector even without talking about the money. Now after the middle of the program I can say it is beyond my expectations. I have met the most senior lecturers in the field who are at the decision-making nodes in the country. One last thing is about that everything is in English which makes my English better and meeting students around the world.

Thomas Glucksmann

I decided to pursue the MA in Cyber Politics and Government program at Tel Aviv University to deepen my knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of addressing fast-changing technology trends by policy makers around the world. In particular I wanted to learn more about how Israel became one of the world's leading cyber powers directly from the program faculty who have hands-on experience shaping the country's cyber ecosystem. The program provides a thorough analysis of the myriad policy issues across the cyber spectrum including security and defense, big data and disinformation, politics and the law, which have helped to inform my perspectives as a responsible citizen, consumer, entrepreneur and perhaps eventually policy maker. I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested in how technology is evolving and becoming a more important part of the political conversation. 

Maya Sherman


​​The MA in Cyber Politics and Government is a unique academic program, dealing with the strategic, policy, and regulatory aspects of emerging technologies, such as AI, cyber threats, and Big Data technologies. As a data ethics researcher and practitioner, I have looked for an academic program that will enable me to hone my technological skills and get a broader understanding of the strategic and geopolitical impact of the digital revolution and inventions shaping our reality. One of the things I like the most about the program is its pragmatic approach to cyberspace, as it combines both the practical and theoretical aspects of innovative ventures, including tours and simulations. In addition, the lecturers are highly knowledgeable as they come from a strong technical background in leading hi-tech companies or the government sector. The student mix is fantastic as all are highly experienced but come from different disciplines, such as computer sciences, law, communication, and social sciences. I would highly recommend to those who wish to explore the broader context of technologies and innovation in society to apply to this program!

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