Conferences and Visits


As part of the program and the social bonding between the students, we try to organize exciting and interesting trips over the year, when possible.


Be'er-Sheva High-Tech Park

We started with this exciting trip to the new and developing Be'er-Sheva High-Tech Park in the south of Israel.

We have visited Cyber7, Dell (Maya Hoffman Levy, Site Leader), Cert-IL, INCD, CBG Cyber ​​Labs and SIGA (Ilan Sosnowich, VP Global Sales).

We enjoyed a full day of lecturers from the very best and have been exposed to the work and people in the companies.

The Microsoft Israel Center tour

We got to visit one of the most incredible and impressive high-tech offices in Isreal!

The new Microsoft Herzelia campus is truly a unique place to work at, from the beautiful architecture, to the verity of people, the creativity, and the job opportunities.

We got to learn from the best in the market, enjoyed a full tour of the campus and met with some very interesting people.

Check Point visit

This exciting visit is expected to start with an introduction to Check Point, following interesting lectures, Behind the Scenes of a Hacking Operation and a Cyber Center Tour.



Along with the special trips we have, we also take part yearly in the Cyber events outside of our program, free from cost only for our students.

This is a unique experience exclusively accessible to the students of our program , and allows exposure to the cyber world, networking, and enrichment.


Cybertech Global TLV conference-

Cyber is all around us—it is one of the most trending topics in the tech and business arenas. It is a whole-encompassing industry that is not only about threats, but also covers the scope of digitalization and opportunities in the realm of innovation.

From Tel Aviv and Rome, to Tokyo, Singapore, Panama, and more, Cybertech is the cyber industry’s foremost B2B networking platform conducting industry-related events all around the globe. Our conferences and exhibitions serve as the go-to place to make business happen and learn all about the latest technological innovations, challenges, and solutions to combating threats within the global cyber arena.

Cybertech events feature top executives, government officials, leading decision-makers from a wide range of sectors including critical infrastructure, insurance, retail, health and government, defense, R&D, manufacturing, automotive, and more! Multinational corporations, startups, private and corporate investors, venture capital firms, experts, and clients—come and meet all the key players from the cyber industry and be immersed in everything there is to offer.

Official website-

AI Week-

AI Week is a leading international conference showcasing the forefront of AI research and the application of intelligent systems. Bringing together industry leaders and leading academics, AI Week is a unique opportunity to explore real-world case studies and research, as well as network with the pioneers of the field.

AI Week will welcome speakers from across the globe, providing them with the unique opportunity to deliver trail-blazing content and connect with the AI community.

Official website-

Cyber Week-

Cyber Week is a large annual international cybersecurity event, hosted each year at Tel Aviv University in Israel. Over the past 12 years, Cyber Week has become internationally acclaimed as one of the top cybersecurity events in the world. Cyber Week offers a unique gathering of cybersecurity experts, industry leaders, startups, investors, academics, diplomats, and government officials. With more than 9,000 attendees from more than 80 countries, this conference offers a thought-provoking exchange of knowledge, methods, and ideas that you won’t want to miss. Events will run for a full week and include over 50 roundtables, panels, workshops, forums, BSides and more. Cyber Week is held jointly by the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (ICRC), The Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security, Tel Aviv University, the Israeli National Cyber Directorate under the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a leading international conference in cybersecurity.





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