Prof. Thalma Lobel received her Ph.D. in Psychology from Tel Aviv University and her post doctoral training from Harvard University. Prof. Lobel has served as Head of the Psychology Department and as the Dean of Students of Tel Aviv University. As Dean of students prof. Lobel was in charge of many social involvement programs of Tel Aviv University aimed to decrease the gaps in the Israeli society.
Prof. Thalma Lobel
Short Biography
Fields of Interest
social development,
gender differences and gender related inferences and judgments,
cross cultural issies in gender role development.
Selected Publications
Lobel, T. E., Nov-Krispin, N., Schiller, D., Lobel, O., & Feldman, A. (2004). Gender discriminatory behavior during adolescence and young adulthood: A developmental analysis. Journal-of-Youth-and-Adolescence, 33, 535-546.
Lobel, T. E., Gruber, R., Govrin, N., & Mashraki-Pedhatzur, S. (2001). Children's gender-related inferences and judgments: A cross-cultural study. Developmental Psychology, 3, 839-846.
Lobel. T. E., Slone, M., Ashuach, Y., & Revach, I. (2001). Division of household labor and social judgments in Israel: The influence of gender and education. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63, 829-839.
Lobel, T. E., Bar-David, E., Gruber, R., Lue, S.,& Bar-Tal, Y. (2000). Gender schema and social judgments: A developmental study of children from Hong Kong. Sex Roles, 43, 19-42.
Lobel, T. E. (1994). Sex typing and the social perception of gender stereotypic and nonstereotypic behavior: The uniqueness of feminine males. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 379-385.
Lobel, T. E., Menashri, J. (1993). Relations of conceptions of gender-role transgressions and gender constancy to gender-typed toy preferences. Developmental Psychology, 29, 150-155.
Lobel, T. E., & Bempechat, J. (1992). Socialization of achievement: Influence of mother's need for approval on children's achievement cognition and behavior. Journal of Educational Psychology, 34, 529-536.