Talia Shiff is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and the Department of Labor Studies at Tel Aviv University. Her research looks at processes of evaluation, institutionalization and moral schemas through the case of frontline asylum decision-making. A central focus of her research is how the disconnect between the moral goals of an institution and its legal rules shapes processes of evaluation and decision-making, with implications for the production of social inequality
Dr. Talia Shiff
Department of Labor Studies
General Information
Cultural sociology; political sociology; sociology of law; asylum and immigration; gender; moral boundaries; evaluation and categorization
Shiff, Talia (forthcoming). Morality Within the State: Frontline Decision-Making in US Asylum Adjudications, Princeton University Press (under contract).
Shiff, Talia. 2021. “A Sociology of Discordance: Negotiating Schemas of Worth and Codified Law in US Asylum Status Determinations,” American Journal of Sociology 127 no.2: 337-375.
- Recipient of 2022 of the Clifford Geertz Award for Best Article, Sociology of Culture Section of the American Sociological Association.
- Honorable Mention for the 2022 Sociology of Law Distinguished Article Award, American Sociological Association.
Shiff, Talia. 2020. "Reconfiguring the Deserving Refugee: Cultural Categories of Worth and the Making of Refugee Policy." Law & Society Review 54, no. 1: 102-132.
Shiff, Talia. 2020. “Revisiting Immutability as the New Standard for Defining Membership in a Particular Social Group and Its Impact on Asylum Claims Related to Gender.” University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 53, p. 567-596.
Shiff, Talia. 2019. "Regulating organizational ambiguity: unsettled screening categories and the making of US asylum policy." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-19.
Shiff, Talia (equal author) and Orloff, Ann. 2016. “Feminism/s in Power: Rethinking Gender Equality after the Second Wave.” Political Power and Social Theory, 30: 109-134.
Shiff, Talia. 2010. “Between Minor and Major Identity: Jaqueline Kahanoff and the ‘Israelization’ of Levantinism.” Theory and Criticism [Hebrew], 37: 125-149.
Shiff, Talia (equal author) and Orloff, Ann. 2015 “The Critics of Feminisms in Power: Rethinking Feminism after the Second Wave.” Emerging Trends, edited by Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn, Wiley.