Prof. Nurit Shnabel

ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Nurit Shnabel
Office: Sharett - Educational Sciences, 212

Short Biography

I received my PhD in social psychology from Tel Aviv University in 2008. My dissertation "A needs-based model of reconciliation: Satisfying the differential emotional needs of victim and perpetrator as a key to promoting reconciliation" received the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Best Dissertation Award. After completing my post-doctoral studies as a Fulbright Foundation Exchange Scholar at Yale University in 2010, I joined the School of Psychological Sciences in Tel Aviv University. Besides serving as a full professor of social psychology, I am currently the president of the European Association of Social Psychology.

Research interests

Broadly speaking, I am interested in understanding the social psychological processes involved in improving social relations, whether it is between individuals or between groups. Within this broad topic, I have two major lines of research. 
The first line examines the processes that facilitate or hinder reconciliation, such as the conflicting parties’ tendency to engage in competition over the victim status. I study these processes within the theoretical perspective of the needs-based model of reconciliation. The second line examines the processes that facilitate or hinder gender equality. For example, I study the circumstances that lead men and women to behave in ways that reinforce traditional gender roles, such as engagement in dependency-oriented cross-gender helping, or enforcement of more stringent beauty standards on women than on men. 

My research is based on quantitative methods (usually experiments).


All my publications can be downloaded from my personal website. In this page you can find my publications on reconciliation; and here you can find my publications on gender.   

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