Prof. Shlomit[Yuval-Greenberg] Greenberg

ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר

Short biography

Prof. Yuval-Greenberg received her Ph.D. in Psychology from The Hebrew University in 2009. Her dissertation, under the guidance of Prof. Leon Deouell, focused on ocular artifacts and gamma-band activity in EEG. She then completed her postdoctoral training with Prof. David Heeger in NYU, focusing on visual fMRI and eye movements. Yuval-Greenberg joined the School of Psychological Sciences as a faculty member in 2013. She is now an associate professor in the school.

Research interests

In her research, Prof. Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg studies the Cognitive Neuroscience of perception,  attention and memory, focusing on their link to eye movement behavior. Research in her lab examined eye movements as window on cognition and social processes in healthy adults and also investigated the development of these mechanisms in infants and children. Research methods used by the lab vary and include behavioral methods, EEG and fMRI. Research populations include healthy adults, participants with ADHD and infants ages 3-12 months.


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