Prof. Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu

ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu
Phone: 058-6407266
Another phone: 03-6407266
Office: Sharett - Educational Sciences, 113b

Short Biography

Hebrew University of Jerusale   B.A -Mathematics & Computer Sciences  1980-83

Hebrew University of Jerusalem M.S -Biological Psychology 1983-86

UCLA, Dept. of Psychology Ph.D.-Physiological Psychology  1986-90

UCLA, Depts. of Anat. & Psychiatry - Post-doc Neuroimmunology  1990-93

UCLA, Brain Research Institute  Post-doc - Endocrinology of Reproduction 1991-93                          

Tel Aviv University , Dept. of Psychology Senior Lecturer 1993-98

Tel Aviv University , Dept. of Psychology Associate Professor  1998-03

Tel Aviv University , Dept. of Psychology Full Professor  2003-

Fields of Interest

I am a neuroscientist specializing in Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI). The field of PNI studies interactions between the central nervous system (CNS), the endocrine system, and the immune system. Bidirectional influences between these systems affect susceptibility to diseases, cognition, mood, and behavior, as well as neurodevelopmental processes. Within the realm of PNI, my main research interests are the impacts of surgery and stress (and the bioactive substances associated with them) on cell-mediated immunity (specifically NK cells) and on resistance to tumor metastasis and tumor progression. Additional interests include: sexual dimorphisms in stress responses, immunity, and tumor development; recurrent miscarriage; and immune functions in humans with mental disorders. 


my studies are conducted using animal models, human subjects, and patients, and aim at understanding underlying mechanisms in view of clinical implications.


Selected publications

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