Dr. Ronen Mandelkern

Political science studies
בית הספר למדע המדינה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Ronen Mandelkern
Phone: 03-6407395
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 532


Dr. Ronen Mandelkern is a political economist who studies economic liberalization and the rise of neoliberalism. He is especially interested in the governmental and ideational aspects of these phenomena: how neoliberalism has transformed the government of democratic countries and which ideas and theories stood behind that transformation. Mandelkern’s studies focus on economic and social policies in Israel and other advanced capitalist democracies, especially following the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

Dr. Mandelkern received his BA (PPE: Philosophy, Political Science and Economics) and MA (Political Science) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. After completing his PhD in Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem he held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne (2010-2011) and a Polonsky Fellowship at the Van-Leer Jerusalem Institute (2011-2016).

Dr. Mandelkern research has been published in leading journals such as Comparative Political Studies, New Political Economy and World Politics.



Research Interests

Political Economy, The Welfare State, Comparative Politics


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