Prof. Noah Lewin-Epstein

Emeritus in Department of Sociology and Anthropology
חוג לסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Noah Lewin-Epstein
Phone: 03-6409271
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 623

General Information

Ph.D., Chicago 1982


Noah Lewin-Epstein is Professor of Sociology and Dean of the Faculty of Social Science. He joined Tel Aviv University  in 1982 after completing a PhD in Sociology at the University of Chicago. His areas of interest include social inequality, ethnic stratification, and comparative survey research. He authored and co-authored 4 books and published extensively in major sociological journals. His recent journal publications address a variety of topics including perceptions of social justice and attitudes toward the welfare state (Social Justice Research); comparative integration of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Canadaand Israel (International Migration Review); and welfare regimes and the family work nexus (American Journal of Sociology; Journal of Marriage and Family). Between the years 2000-2003 he served as president of Israel Sociological Society. He currently serves as the secrtary of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP).

Research Interests

Work and Labor Market, Stratification and Social Mobility, Polls.

Selected Publications


Y. Peled, N. Lewin-Epstein, Guy Mundlak and J.L. Cohen (eds.)
Democratic Citizenship and War.
Oxon, U.K.: Routledge, 2011 


A. Levanon and N. Lewin-Epstein

"Grounds For Citizenship: Public Attitudes In Comparative Prespective"

Social Science Research 39, 2010, pp. 419-431.



M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

"The Declining Racial Earnings' Gap In the United States: Multi Level Analysis Of Male Earnings 1960 - 2000"

Social Science Research 38, 2009, pp. 296-311.


Lewin-Epstein, N., L. Kadish, and A. Oren
“Preferred working hours: variations across time and space”

Pp. 431-450 in M. Haller, R. Jowell and T. Smith (eds.) The International Social Survey Programme, 1984-2009: Charting the Globe. Oxon, U.K.: Routledge, 2009.


M. Braun, N. Lewin Epstein, H. Stier and M. K. Baumgartner

"Perceived Equity In the Gendered Division Of Household Labor"

Journal of Marriage and Family 70, 2008, pp. 1145-1156.


Shavit, Y.,  N. Lewin-Epstein and I. Adler

"Instant absorption of immigrants and persistent exclusion of Arab citizens in Israel," 
Pp. 321-358 in A.F. Heath and S.Y. Cheung (eds.) Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.


Lewin-Epstein, H. Stier and M. Braun

“Division of Household Labor in Germany and Israel”

Journal of Marriage and Family 68, 2006, pp. 1147-1168.


Iris Jerby, M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

“On Measures of Occupational Segregation: Statistical and Conceptual Considerations”

Sociological Methods and Research 34(4), 2006, pp.573-586.



I. Adler, N. Lewin-Epstein and Y. Shavit

“Ethnic Stratification and Place of Residence in Israel: A Truism Revisited”

Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 23, 2005, pp. 155-190.


Iris Jerby, M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

"Capturing gender-based micro-segregation: A modified ratio index for comparative analysis"

Sociological Methods and Research 34(1), 2005, pp. 122-136.



Lewin-Epstein, N., I. Adler, and Y. Semyonov

"Home ownership and social inequality in Israel"

Pp. 338-364 in Karin Kurz and Hans-Peter Blossfeld (eds.) Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004.



M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein (eds.)

Stratification in Israel: Class, Ethnicity and Gender.

Somerset, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 2004 (470 pages).



H. Stier and N. Lewin-Epstein

“Time to Work: A Comparative Analysis of Preferences for Working Hours”

Work and Occupations 30(3), 2003, pp. 302-326.



N. Lewin-Epstein, M. Semyonov, Irena Kogan, and Richard Wanner

"Institutional Structure and Immigrant Integration: A Comparative Study of Immigrants' Labor Market Attainment in Canada and Israel"

International Migration Review 37(2), 2003, pp. 389-420.



M. Semyonov, N. Lewin-Epstein and E. Davidov

“Period and Duration Effects on the Value of Housing among Immigrants”

Social Science Research 32, 2003, pp. 2-24.



N. Lewin-Epstein, A. Kaplan and A. Levanon

“Distributive Justice and Attitudes toward the Welfare State”

Social Justice Research 16(1), 2003, pp. 1-27.



Semyonov, M. and N. Lewin-Epstein

“Immigration and Ethnicity in Israel: Returning Diaspora and Nation Building”

Rainer Muentz and Rainer Ohliger (eds.) Diasporas and Ethnic Migrant: German, Israel and Post-Soviet Successor States in Comparative Perspective. London: Frank Cass, 2002.



M. Amir, N. Lewin-Epstein, G. Becker and D. Buskila

“Psychometric Properties of the SF-12 (Hebrew Version) in a Primary Care Population in Israel”

Medical Care 40(10), 2002, pp. 918-928.



Y. Elmelech and N. Lewin-Epstein

"The Housing Market, Government Policy and Inequality among Immigrants of the 1950s and 1960s – Reply to E. Borochov"

Megamot Vol. 41(4), 2002, pp. 628-632 (Hebrew).



A. H. Sa’di and N. Lewin-Epstein

"Mionority Labour Force Participation In the Post-Fordist Era: The Case Of Arabs In Israel" 

Work, Employment and Society 15(4), 2001, pp. 781-802.



M. Semyonov, N. Lewin-Epstein and A. Yom-Tov

“Metropolitan labor markets, peripheral labor markets and socio-economic outcomes among immigrants to Israel”

International Migration 39(3), 2001, pp.99-119.



H. Stier, N. Lewin-Epstein, and M. Braun.

Welfare Regimes, Family Supportive Policies, and Women's Employment Along A Life Course"

American Journal of Sociology 106(6), 2001.



M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

“The Impact of Parental Transfers on Living Standards of Married Children”

Social Indicators Research, 54, 2001, pp. 115-137.



N. Lewin-Epstein, H. Stier, M. Braun and B. Langfeldt

"Family Policy and Public Attitudes in Germany and Israel"

European Social Review, 16, 2000, pp. 385-401.



N. Lewin-Epstein and M. Semyonov

"Migration, Ethnicity and Inequality: Homeownership In Israel"

Social Problems, 47, 2000, pp. 425-444.



M. Semyonov, Y. Haberfeld, Y. Cohen and N. Lewin Epstein

"Racial Composition and Occupational Segregation and Inequality Across American Cities"

Sicial Science Research, 29, 2000, pp. 175-187.



N. Lewin-Epstein

"Family and Stratification: Patterns of Inequality Reproduction in Israel," 

pp. 121-145, in Menachem Mautner (Ed.), Distributive Justice in Israel. Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2000 (Hebrew).



Lewin-Epstein, N and M. Semyonov

"Immigration and Stratification in Israel," 

pp. 95-105 in Hanna Herzog (ed.), Reflection of a Society. Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2000 (Hebrew). 



N. Lewin-Epstein, Y. Elmelech, and M. Semyonov

“Ethnic Inequality in Home-Ownership and the Value of Housing: The Case of Immigrants to Israel,”

Social Forces, Vol. 75(4), 1997, pp. 1439-62.



N. Lewin-Epstein and M. Semyonov

“Sheltered Labor Markets, Public Sector Employment, and Socioeconomic Returns to Education of Arabs in Israel,”

American Journal of Sociology, 100, 1994, pp. 622-51.





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