Prof. Guy Mundlak

Faculty of Law
Department of Labor Studies
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Guy Mundlak
Phone: 03-6408374
Fax: 03-6405349
Office: Minkoff - Law, 426


Guy Mundlak’s appointment is shared with the Department of Labor Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Chair). His research deals with the impact of law on the labor market and the welfare state. More particularly his works centers on the following themes:  The relationship between labor law and industrial relations; The internalization of employment standards in economic enterprises and the role of human resource professionals in this process; Constitutional social rights in general, and on the rights to social security and work in particular;  The effects of globalization on labor markets, the efficacy of international instruments in responding to the regulatory deficit, looking at both the movement of capital and labor.

Research Interests and Teaching

Labor law, Industrial relations, Discrimination at work and equal opportunities, The international law of Work, Law and the Welfare State, Immigration Law, Inter-disciplinary perspectives on work.




LL.B., Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (Cum Lauda)


LL.M., Harvard University Law School, USA (waived)


S.J.D, Harvard University Law School, USA



Academic Appointments at Tel-Aviv University 


Tel-Aviv University, Full Prof. in the Faculty of Law and the Department of Labor Studies in the School of Social and Policy Studies


Director, Minerva Center for Human Rights


Chair, Department of Labor Studies


Academic Director, Tel-Aviv/Northwestern LL.M. in Public Law


Chair, Meitar Centre for Graduate Studies


Chair, Department of Labor Studies


 Visiting positions (selected)

University of Cambridge, Centre for Business Research (1999), Northwestern University Law School (2001), EU – FP6 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow, University of Amsterdam, Hugo Sinzheimer Institute (2004-5); University of Melbourne Law School (2012); University of Sydney Law School (2015); University of Vienna Law School (2017-8); Tamil Nadu National Law School (2018); Bergamo University, ADAPT Centre (2018); Cornell University Law School (2018); Distinguished  Visiting Professor, UCL Laws (2019).

Representative Publications



Guy Mundlak, Organizing Mattesr: Two Logics of Trade Union Representation  (2020, Elgar, ILO – International Association of Labour and Employment  Relations Association– ILERA)


Matthew Finkin & Guy Mundlak (eds), Handbook of Comparative Labor Law (2015, Elgar)


Guy Mundlak, Fading Corporatism: Israel’s Labor Law and Industrial Relations in Transition (Cornell University Press, ILR 2007).



Labor law and industrial relations- Israel and beyond


Guy Mundlak, The BJIR Annual Review Article: Addressing the Legitimacy Gap in the Israeli Corporatist Revival, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 47(4), pp. 765-787 (2009).


Guy Mundlak, Yishak Saporta, Yitchak Haberfeld, YInon Cohen, Union Density in Israel 1995-2010: The Hybridization of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Vol. 52(1), 78-101 (2013).


Guy  Mundlak, Tri-Plus: Reflections on Opening the ILO’s Tripartite Structure, In: ILO100 – Law for Social Justice (George P. Politakis et al, eds.) 319-344.


Guy Mundlak, The Third Function of Labour Law: Distributing Labour Market Opportunities among Workers, In: The Idea of Labour Law (Brian Langille, Guy Davidov eds., Oxford University Press), pp 315-328 (2011).


Guy Mundlak, On Labour representativeness: The Hidden Components of the Human Right to Freely Associate in Trade Unions, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (forthcoming 2020)



Human rights, Social Rights and The Right to Work 


Guy Mundlak, Social Rights in the New Constitutional Discourse: From Social Rights to the Social Dimension of All Rights, The Labor Yearbook, Vol. 7, pp. 65-152 (1999).Reprinted in: the Berenzon Book, Vol. 2 (2000) (A. Barak et al.,eds) pp. 183-280 [Hebrew]


Guy Mundlak, The Right to Work - The Value of Work, In: Exploring Social Rights: Between Theory and Practice, (Daphna Barak-Erez & Aeyal Gross eds., Hart) pp. 341-366 (2007). Reprinted in French: Droit au travail et valeur du travail, Bulletin de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Securité Sociale (2008), pp. 3-32.


Guy Mundlak, The Right to Work: Linking Human Rights and Employment Policy, International Labor Review, Vol. 146, pp. 189-215 (2007).


Guy Mundlak, Industrial Citizenship, Social Citizenship, Corporate Citizenship: I Just Want my Wages, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Vol. 8(2), pp. 719-748 (2007).


Guy Mundlak, Workplace – Democracy: Reclaiming the Effort to Foster Public – Private Isomorphism, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Vol. 15(1), 159-198 (2014).


Guy Davidov & Guy Mundlak , Accommodating All (or: Ask not what you can do for the labour market, but what the market can do for you), Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 191-208 (2016).


Guy Mundlak, The Architecture of Human Rights at Work, In: Human Rights in the Workplace (Janice Bellace and Beryl Ter Haar, eds.) (Elgar, 2019) 149-168.



Migration and the International Law of Work 


Guy Mundlak, Power-Breaking or Power-Entrenching Law? The Regulation of Palestinian Workers In Israel, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 20, 569-620 (1999).


Guy Mundlak, Neither Insiders nor Outsiders: The Contractual Construction of Migrant Workers’ Rights and the Democratic Deficit. Iyunei Mishpat, Tel Aviv University Law Review, Vol.  27, pp. 423-487 (2003). [Hebrew]


Guy Mundlak, Re-commodifying Time: The Exemption of ‘Live-Ins’ From Time Regulation, In: Work and Family (Joanne Conaghan and Kerry Rittich, eds., Oxford University Press) pp. 125-156 (2005). A modified version appeared also in: Women and Immigration Law, (Sarah van Walsum and Thomas Spijkerboer, eds. Routledge – Glasshouse) pp. 123-141 (2007).


Guy Mundlak, De-Territorializing Labor Law, Journal of Law and Ethics of Human Rights, Vol. 3, pp. 188-222 (2009).


Guy Mundlak & Issi Rosen Tzvi, Signaling Virtue? A Comparison of Corporate Codes in the Fields of Labor and Environment, Theoretical Inquiries in Law Vol. 12 pp. 603-663 (2011).


Guy Mundlak & Hila Shamir, Organizing Migrant Domestic Workers International Labour Review Vol. 153(1) 93-116 (2014)


Judy Fudge & Guy Mundlak, Justice in a Globalizing World: Resolving Conflicts Involving Workers Rights Beyond the Nation State, In: Global Justice and International Labour Rights pp. 121-158 (Yosi Dahan, Hanna Lerner, Faina Milman, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2016). 

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