Prof. Michelle Slone

ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Michelle Slone
Phone: 03-6407990
Fax: 03-6409547
Office: Sharett - Educational Sciences, 222

Short Biography

Michelle Slone is Professor of Child Clinical Psychology in the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. She is Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Resilience in Children and a member of the executive council of the Adler Center for Research in Child Development and Psychopathology at Tel Aviv University. She is also former Director of the Child Clinical Graduate Program in the School of Psychological Sciences. Michelle completed her graduate degrees and clinical training in South Africa and her PhD at Tel Aviv University in Israel. She was a Faculty member in the Psychology Department at the University of Cape Town and Project Director of the Developmental Clinics at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town before returning to Israel to a faculty position at Tel Aviv University.



Fields of Interest

The effects of trauma, political conflict, terrorism and deprivation on youth

Resilience and its promotion

Cognitive and emotional effects of media coverage of terrorism

Primary and secondary intervention for exposure to trauma

Cross-cultural issues in diagnosis of mental disorder and treatment

Selected publications

Slone, M. (2000). Responses to media coverage of terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), 508-522.


Slone, M., Kaminer, D. & Durrheim, K. (2000). The contribution of political life events to psychological distress among South African adolescents. Political Psychology, 21(3), 465-487.


Lobel, T.E., Slone, M. Ashuach, Y., & Revach, I. (2001). Division of household labor and social judgments: The influence of gender and education. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63, 829-839.


Slone, M. (2003). The Nazareth riots: Arab and Jewish Israeli adolescents pay a different psychological price for participation. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 47(6), 817-836.


Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2006). Evaluation of preparatory measures for coping with anxiety raised by media coverage of terrorism. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(4), 535-542.


Slone, M., Shoshani, A., & Baumgarten – Katz, I. (2008). Exposure to political violence and coping with anxiety raised by media coverage of terrorism. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 21(3), 243 -261.


Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2008). The drama of media coverage of terrorism: Emotional and attitudinal impact on the audience. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 31(7), 627-640.


Heine, C. & Slone, M. (2008). The impact of mild central auditory processing disorder on school performance during adolescence. Journal of School Health, 78(7), 405-407.


Slone, M. & Shechner, T. (2009). Psychiatric consequences for Israeli adolescents of protracted political violence: 1998 – 2004. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50(3), 280-289.


Slone, M., Shoshani, A., & Paltieli, T. (2009). Psychological consequences of forced evacuation on children: risk and protective factors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(4), 340-343.


Lavi, I. & Slone M. (2011). Resilience and political violence: Moderating effects in a cross-cultural study of moderating effects among Jewish and Arab. Youth and Society,

43(3), 845 - 872.


Slone, M. & Shechner, T. (2011). Adolescents exposed to 7 years of political violence: Differential relations between exposure and its impact for Jewish and Arab Israeli youth. Child Indicators Research, 4(3), 529-545.


Wolmer, L., Hamiel, D., Barchas, J. D., Slone, M., & Laor, N. (2011)). Teacher-delivered resilience-focused intervention in schools with traumatized children following the Second Lebanon War. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(3), 309 – 316.


Meir, Y., Slone, M., & Lavi, I. (2012). Children of illegal migrant workers: Life circumstances and mental health. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 1546 – 1552.


Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2013). Middle school transition from the strengths perspective: Young adolescents' character strengths, subjective well-being, and school adjustment. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(4), 1163-1181.


Slone, M., Meir, Y., & Tarrasch, R. (2013). Individual differences in referral for help for severe emotional difficulties in adolescence. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(1), 1854-1861.


Slone, M., Shoshani, A., & Lobel, T. (2013). Helping Youth Immediately after War Exposure: A Quasi-Randomized Controlled Trial of a School-Based Intervention Program. Journal of Primary Prevention, 34(5), 293-307.


Slone, M. & Roziner, I. (2013). Does self-complexity moderate political violence among adolescents? Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 26(6), 659-673.


Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2014). Psychiatric Effects of Protracted Conflict and Political Life Events a


Wolmer, L., Hamiel, D., Versano, T., Slone, M., & Margalit, N. Laor, N. (2015). Preschool Israeli children exposed to rocket attacks: Assessment, risk and resilience. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28, 441-447.


Slone, M. & *Mayer, Y. (2015) Gender differences in mental health consequences of exposure to political violence among Israeli adolescents. Children & Youth Services Review, 58, 170-178.


Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2016). The resilience function of character strengths in the face of war and protracted conflict. Frontiers in Psychology. http://



Slone, M. & Mann, S. (2016). Effects of war, terrorism and armed conflict on young children: A systematic review. Child Psychiatry & Human Developmen,47(6), 950-965.


Slone, M., Shur, L., & Gilady, A. (2016). Youth exposed to terrorism: The moderating role of ideology. Current Psychiatry Reports, 18(5), 1-8.


Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2016). Through the looking glass: The role of ethnicity and affiliation in responses to terrorism images in the media. Frontiers in Psychology, (7). Article 1911.


Slone, M., Lavi, I., Ozer, E, & Pollack, A. (2017). The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Meta-analysis of exposure and outcome variables for children of the region. Children & Youth Services Review, (74), 50-61.




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