Dr. Hilla Dotan

Coller School of Management
Faculty of Law
Political science studies
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Hilla Dotan
Phone: 03-6406310
Fax: 03-6407739
Office: Recanati - Business Administration, 420

Short Biography

Dr. Dotan is a faculty member at the Organizational Behavior department at the Coller School of Management at Tel-Aviv University and teaches in the International MBA, Full-time MBA, and Lahav programs. Dr. Dotan received her Ph.D. in Management from the UCLA Anderson School of Management in CA, USA, and her B.A. in Economics and Psychology from the University of Utrecht (UCU) in the Netherlands. Dr. Dotan's has been awarded international best paper awards for her research on workplace friendships and she is also the recipient of prestigious grants and fellowships such as The USA Gladys M. Byram Fellowship and the Israeli Ministry of absorption Grant.  Her research has been published in academic journals as well as appeared in various media outlets including The Economist, The Jewish Weekly, The Marker, Haa'retz, Calcalist, Yediot Acharonot, and the German Newspaper WIWO.  

Fields of interest

Dr. Hilla Dotan’s research focuses on informal social relationships at work, specifically workplace friendships.  She examines how workplace friendships come into existence and how and why they develop and evolve in ways that impact key job outcomes such as organizational commitment, turnover and performance. Dr. Dotan's research is guided by three fundamental research questions: 1) what are the stimulants that facilitate and/or motivate an individual’s decision to form a friendship at work with a given co-worker; 2) how and why do workplace friendships affect key job outcomes; and 3) how can managers facilitate/inhibit/manage the formation of relationships that form within their organization so as to achieve higher levels of business efficiency and effectiveness. 


Dotan, H., & Van-Waarden, F. 2002. Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in the EU Member States: Implementation of the 89/391/ EEC Framework Directive. Research Papers/ Netherlands School for Social and Economic Policy Research (AWSB). ISBN 90-393-3072-7. Report written for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, 137 pages


Dotan, H. 2009. Workplace Friendships: Formation and Consequences for Managerial Effectiveness. Academy of Management Proceedings, August 1, 2009: 1, 1-6.
DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2009.44244633.


Dotan, H. 2011. The Dentist as a Manager: Building Effective Relationships and Networks for Personal and Professional Advancement. European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 12(1), 78-81.


Work In Progress

Dotan, H. The Development of Friendships at Work: A Multi-Stage Model for the Transformation of Workplace Ties into Workplace Friendships. (Under Review)


Dotan, H. Not All Friends are Created Equal: Differentiating Friendships by Types and Development of a New Measure. (Under Review)


Dotan, H. Disentangling Workplace Friendships and Their Effects: A Framework for Understanding How & Why Friendships Affect Job Outcomes. (Under Review)


Working Papers

Dotan, H. Differentiating Workplace Friendships by Types and a Measurement Proposal. In preparation for submission to Academy of Management Review.


Dotan, H. & Weinstein, C. 2013. Friendships between Soldiers: The effect of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Culture on Friendship formation at the Army. (in preparation for submission to Journal of Organizational Behavior


Lewin, D, & Dotan, H. 2013. The Trimodal Theory of Human Resource Management and Business Performance. (in preparation for submission to Organization Science.


Dotan, H., Elfenbein, H. Eisenkraft, N. & Orenstein, C. 2013 Accurately Classifying Relationships: How and Why do misclassifications occur? Working Paper, Tel-Aviv University.


Elfenbein, H., Eisenkraft, N. Dotan, H. 2013. Affective Presence. Working Paper, Tel-Aviv University.


Kudesia, R. Elfenbein, H. Dotan, H. Eisenkraft, N., & Orenstein, C. 2013. Mindfulness among Friends. Working Paper.


Gordon, S., Dotan, H, S, Parise, S. Volpe, E. Social Media, Workplace Friendship and Work Experience. Working Paper, Tel-Aviv University.


Dotan, H. Raes, A. Friendships in the Boardroom: A comparison of Israel and Spain. Working Paper.


Dotan, H. Pablo, C. Friendship or Guanxi? Examining informal ties in China. Working Paper.


Dotan, H. & Florentin, An Integrated Science Modeling. Working Paper.

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