מאמרים בכתבי עת אקדמיים:
- Hananel Ravit, (2009) Distributive Justice and Regional Planning: the Politics of Regional revenue-generating land-uses in Israel, International Planning Studies 14(2), 2009, pp. 177-198
- Hananel Ravit, (2010) Zionism and Agricultural Land: The Evolution of the Relationship between Zionist Objectives and Preservation of Agricultural Land, as Reflected in Israel’s National Lands Policy, Land Use Policy 27, pp. 1160-1170
- Hananel Ravit, (2012), The End of Agricultural Supremacy: the 2009 land policy reform in Israel, Israeli Studies Review 27(2), pp. 143-165.
- Hananel Ravit, (2013) Land Use (Planning) Discourse V. Land Discourse: The 2009-2011 reforms in land-use planning policy and land policy in Israel, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(5), pp. 1611-1637.
- Hananel Ravit, (2014) Can Centralization, Decentralization and Welfare Go Together? The Case of Massachusetts Affordable Housing Policy, Urban Studies 51(12), pp. 2487-2502.
- Ravit Hananel, (2015) The Land Narrative: Rethinking of Israel’s National Land Policy, Land Use Policy 45, pp. 128-140.
- Haramati Tamar and Hananel Ravit, (2016) Is Anybody Home? The Influence of Ghost Neighborhoods on Urban Diversity in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, Cities 56, pp. 109–118.
- Hananel Ravit, (2016) From Central to Marginal: The Trajectory of Israel’s Public Housing Policy, Urban Studies 53(8), pp. 1-16.
- Hananel Ravit, Berechman Joseph, (2016) Justice and Transportation Decision-Making: The Capabilities Approach, Transport Policy 49, pp. 78-85.
- Hananel Ravit, Deserving and Privileged: The social construction of the right to housing in Israel, Israeli Affairs (coming soon)