Prof. Adriana Kemp

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
חוג לסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Adriana Kemp
Phone: 03-6407670
Fax: 03-6409215
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 620

General Information

Ph.D., Tel-Aviv 1997

Adriana Kemp is The Mogulof Family Chair in Social Policy and the Head of the School of Social and Policy Studies at Tel-Aviv University. Her research interests focus on two main areas: intersections between labor and forced migration, citizenship and civil society, and scholarship on the re-scaling of politics and urban governance. Her work explores the challenges that global phenomena, such as migration, pose to the boundaries of citizenship; their long-term repercussions for the reorganization of state power and governance; and their transformative power in societies facing demographic and normative change.  Her recent research on migrant and refugee children explores how precarious socio-legal status intersects with migration policies that produce de-facto stateless children; the moral economy of frontline actors implementing those policies; and the legal consciousness, emotional matrixes, and future-making projections of migrant and refugee children and youth in times of legal insecurity.

Kemp has published on these topics in leading journals in sociology, law, urban studies, gender studies, and political science.  She is the author of over 60 refereed articles and book chapters, the co-editor of two collective volumes, and the co-author of a book on Migrants and Workers: the political economy of labor migration in Israel. Her research has been supported several times by the Israel Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science. She has been a visiting professor at Columbia University, a Lipinsky DVP at San Diego University, a Chateaubriand Fellow at the Center for International Studies of Sciences Po, and a fellow researcher at the Van Leer Institute of Jerusalem and The Minerva Center for Human Right at the Hebrew University. 

In parallel with her academic career, Kemp has consulted for governmental and intergovernmental bodies on refugee and migration issues, including the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and several Knesset and inter-governmental committees. She is also a member of Israel's Ministry of Education Expert Board on Sociology.

Kemp’s record of advancing social policy includes leadership roles at civil society organizations including The Association for Civil Rights in Israel and labor rights NGO KavLaoved – Worker's Hotline.



Research Interests

Political Sociology, Sociology of Migration, Urban Sociology.

The sociology experience


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