Peace Index - May 2021

  • Regarding future relations between Jews and Arabs in Israel, most respondents among both publics support strengthening equality and cooperation between the groups and oppose an increase in separation between them. Nevertheless, a large majority of the Jewish public supports strengthening Jewish control.
  • The Jewish public expresses high levels of mistrust towards Palestinians in the occupied territories, alongside high levels of mistrust of Arab citizens of Israel. In contrast, the Arab public expresses much more moderate levels of mistrust towards the Jewish public.
  • Regarding the recent widespread violence within Israel, half of the Israeli public feel that Netanyahu did not deal with it successfully and that the violence was not justified. While half of the Jewish public think that Netanyahu did not want to arouse the present internal violence, a great majority of the Arab public do think that he wanted to instigate it.
  • Half of the Jewish public believe that Israel achieved more significant gains than Hamas in the recent fighting, and more than half now support the use of military means to bring about the collapse of Hamas rule in Gaza. A great majority of this public feel that the nations of the world are hostile to Israel.
  • Relating to the future of the conflict with the Palestinians, there has been a rise in the level of opposition to maintaining the present situation in comparison to the previous survey. Although none of the proposed solutions to the conflict gained majority support, the two-state solution, is still the one that is most preferred.
  • Just before the inauguration of the Bennett-Lapid government, two-thirds of the respondents support a law which would prevent a person accused of a criminal act from serving as prime minister.


Press Release (PDF)

Findings (PDF)

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