Peace Index - October 2019

  • This peace index is dedicated to the memory of Yasmin Alkalay who, as a statistical analyst, accompanied the peace index with talent, love and great devotion from its establishment in 1994. She passed away this month.


  • After the mandate for establishing a coalition government has been assigned to Ganz, more than half of the Israeli public want him to succeed in his task. Most of the public prefers that he establish a government without the ultra-Orthodox parties and about half support forming a coalition with the Likud, including Netanyahu.
  • If a third election is to take place, a clear majority feel that they will vote for the same bloc that they voted for in the last elections.
  • If the attorney general decides to serve an indictment against Netanyahu, about half of the public feel that he should be brought to trial like any other citizen, and a small minority support a plea bargain.
  • A decisive majority consider that a continuation of the conflict with the Palestinians harms Israel. Three quarters of the public feel that decision makers in Israel are not doing everything they can to prevent another round of fighting. As such, a large majority supports legislation that will obligate decision makers to develop and deeply examine political alternatives for both routine and emergency periods. 
  • Among the Jewish public, there are signs of a change in support for solutions to the conflict with the Palestinians. Support for maintaining the existing situation is becoming a bit stronger at the expense of support for annexation. Similarly, the percentage of those who think that the solution with the greatest chances of being realized is continuing the existing situation has also grown at the expense of annexation.

Press Release (PDF)

Findings (PDF)

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